Sarah A. Deveau

4446 Winona Court

Denver, CO 80212



            Master of Music, May 2002, GPA: 3.95

            MAJOR: Choral Conducting      Study with Dr. Ann Howard Jones, David Hoose and Dr. Daniel Moe.


            Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, May 1997, GPA: 3.75

            MAJOR: Music   MINOR: Religion    Conducting study with Dr. Catharine Melhorn.

            UNIVERSITÉ CHEIKH ANTA DIOP, Dakar, Senegal

            Spring 1996, semester abroad.

            Courses in French, West African art and religion, Wolof (Senegalese language).




CHOIR DIRECTOR, UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF READING, MA: August ’01 – present. Select, prepare and teach music; rehearse and conduct adult mixed choir singing two anthems per week in Sunday services and two Music Services each year.  Repertoire performed includes Brahms Marienlieder, Faurι Requiem,  Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols and Mozart Coronation Mass K.317.


CONDUCTOR, THE SIDESHOW OPERA COMPANY, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA:  May ’04.  Prepared and conducted Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw with small professional opera company. 


CHOIR MASTER, READING SYMPHONY CHORUS:  January – April ’03.  Prepared amateur 60 voice mixed chorus for performance of Mozart Coronation Mass and Brahms Schicksalslied with orchestra. 


DIRECTOR, WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE, NEW SCHOOL OF MUSIC:  September ’02 – June ‘03.  Selected, prepared and taught music to small adult treble ensemble.  Repertoire included madrigals, folk song arrangements and other a cappella works.


CONDUCTOR, BOSTON UNIVERSITY CHORALE AND TREBLE CHORUS:  Fall ’01.  Selected repertoire and prepared chorus for recitals at Boston University.  Repertoire performed:  Hardyk I Never Saw Another Butterfly, Durante Magnificat, Britten Hymn to the Virgin, and works by Willan, Vaughan Williams, and Finzi.


CHOIR DIRECTOR, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF SOUTH HADLEY, MA: Jan '98 - June '98.  Selected, prepared and taught music; rehearsed and conducted adult mixed choir singing two anthems per week in Sunday services.


ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR, MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE GLEE CLUB:  Fall '99, Fall '96 - Spring '98.  Directed sectional rehearsals and occasional full rehearsals, prepared and conducted piece in concert, managed visiting orchestra, provided musical and organizational assistance to conductor.


CONDUCTOR, MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE GLEE CLUB: Spring, '97. Prepared, rehearsed and conducted Debussy's Salut Printemps, performed in April and May '97.


MUSIC DIRECTOR, NICE SHOES  A CAPPELLA SINGING GROUP: Spring '94 - Spring '97.  Arranged, taught and conducted music for feminist a cappella group.  Released CDs spring '95, fall '97.








VOICE TEACHER:  ­Sept ’02 – present.  Teach private individual voice lessons to adults with varied musical backgrounds.


SOPRANO SECTION LEADER, BOSTON UNIVERSITY SYMPHONIC CHORUS:  Sept '00 – Spring ‘02.  Lead sectionals during preparation of major works such as Mendelssohn Elijah, Verdi Requiem, Durufle Requiem.


            MUSIC THEORY TEACHING ASSISTANT:  Fall '96 - Spring '97.  Taught sight singing and chord singing in laboratory section of first and second level music theory classes.


            MUSIC THEORY AND BASIC MUSICIANSHIP TUTOR:  Fall '96 - Spring '97.  Assisted individuals in learning varied aspects of musicianship and theory.




VOICE STUDY:  Fall '03 – present: Study with William Hite at the University of Massachusett at Amherst, MA.  Winter ’98 – Spring ’01: Study with Jayne West at Longy School of Music in Cambridge, MA.  Fall '94 - Spring '97:  Study with Melinda Spratlan at Mount Holyoke College. Recitals: June ’01, May ’97.


BOSTON UNIVERSITY SYMPHONIC CHORUS, CHAMBER CHORUS, REPERTORY CHORUS AND WOMEN’S CHORALE:  Fall ’00 – Spring ’02.  Repertoire included Mendelssohn Elijah, Verdi Requiem,, Durufle Requiem,  Copland In the Beginning, Argento I Hate and I Love, Britten Rejoice in the Lamb, Schoenberg De Profundis, Hindemith Six Chansons,  Haydn Te Deum, Stravinsky Mass, Mozart Coronation Mass.


CORO ALLEGRO: Winter  '98 – Winter ‘01.  Boston area chorus, conducted by David Hodgkins, for members and friends of the gay, lesbian and bisexual communities. Librarian and newsletter editor, Fall '99 - Spring '00.




CHURCH ON LOAN GRANT COORDINATOR, CHURCH OF THE LARGER FELLOWSHIP UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST:  January ’03 – present.  Prepared services for distribution on CLF website and CD-Rom.  Updated and redesigned publicity materials. Various administrative and computer-based tasks.


MANAGER, BOSTON UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CHORALE Fall ’00 – Spring ’01 AND CHAMBER CHORUS Fall ’01 – Spring ‘02:  Responsible for music distribution and collection, performance logistics, attendance and grade records, led sectionals and assisted conductor.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBER, CORO ALLEGRO:  Fall ’00 – Summer ’01. Elected to board by choir members.  Participated in monthly board meetings.  As member of membership committee, helped to organize social events and important discussion sessions.  Developed policies on membership and concert dress.


HONORS AND AWARDS                                                                                                                                 


Pi Kappa Lambda – National music honor society, elected to membership by Boston University faculty, 2002.

Helen Hazen Music Prize - outstanding senior at Mount Holyoke College whose excellent work in the music department reflects the integration of history, theory, and performance, 1997.

Caroline M. Reyer Scholarship - for the most outstanding junior in the field of music at Mount Holyoke College, 1996.




LANGUAGE:  Proficient in French.  Versed in German and Wolof.  Familiar with Latin, Spanish and Italian.

COMPUTER:  Windows and Macintosh operating systems, Microsoft Office Suite, Photoshop.